home is where the beach is

home is where the beach is


Sweetwater 420

What a better place to update y'all on my 365 project process than sitting in the Atlanta airport drinking one of my favorite beers… next to 3 middle aged men talking about another guy who generously offered to cary his wife's hot pink vera bradley bag. Im sitting here thinking I know damn well if these men had a hot momma asking them to carry her bag they would bow down and flaunt it proudly.

The last few days have been great! I haven't really had much of a struggle, the opposite of what I anticipated. 
Y'all-- I really can't stand running in the snow. It's the resistance of sand with the slickness of an oil spill. And it seems like only when hot guys are letting me cross the road do I almost fall but sorta-not-really gracefully catch myself. 

But, as promised---

At first I was a little discouraged because my pace wasn't the fastest in the world, and then I haven't been going very far… but then I was thinking about it and if I make the effort to change clothes in the middle of my work day to go run 3 miles in the snow, i'm ok with that!

I have to interrupt to just say- I freakin love the airport. 

i'm nervous for this trip home.. It's going to be a challenge to get all my runs in. I'm usually pretty involved with social activities. It will be nice to take at least 20 minutes a day to myself. And it's supposed to be sunny! 

It's the people that make me worry about being here.. I haven't talked to my mom in at least 6 months. She's usually my go-to girl. I won't have a car.. my friends all have crazy girlfriends and jobs (thank goodness). 

So, y'all just wish me luck and I promise I'll post something more inspirational tomorrow. 

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