Before I begin my rant on life..
Let me update you on my 365 project.
Running every day has felt overall awesome.
But let me tell you, i think I am seriously in for a rude awakening because, YES. IT HAS BEEN HARD AND IT'S ONLY DAY 15.
There have been some nights that i've just been like…
Buuuuut, I have to say-- Once I did it…. I was so glad I did.
those endorphins…. they'll getcha.
As soon as I woke up I called Sage and begged him to take me to the beach. Why does it take so much convincing for people to go to the most beautiful place in the world? Anyway, i'm glad he lives right door to me, made it a lot easier :) We rolled down the windows of his little sports car and let the morning roll in… it's an indescribable feeling. Happiness.
It feels so good to spend time with an old friend.
You know what else was really freakin awesome? Being at the beach. Salt water is an amazing thing…
Today I took my shoes off, rolled up my pants, and ran as hard and far as I could with my feet just barely in the water, pushing off from the sand from every step…
it's true, saltwater really does heal everything.
Today I was running.. I was just running forever and all over the place, not really having a destination in mind. I didn't know when or how to stop.. I couldn't stop. It was like no matter what direction I went, something was always in my damn way.
I am currently working on varying my pace throughout my run.
Like, sometimes I fall and bust my ass on the ice and have to stop for a minute,
but then I try to keep going…
I can't wait until I don't have to run like a penguin in fear of my face being busted.
I am excited it's been two weeks, buuut i'm really reallllly looking forward to week #3.
They say 21 days makes a habit.. I'm praying to God that one's true.
I've had some people ask me about just how healthy it is to run 365 days in a row… to be honest, it's probably not. But I just want to clarify, I'm not doing any hard core training or trying to lose any weight or trying anything in any way. I'm simply just running. I'm not exhausting myself or my muscles every single day. It doesn't take much to go outside and jog for 15 minutes. That's the beautiful thing about running, you just have to get up and do it.
That being said, to keep myself motivated, I am working on some interval training. I've never been able to interrupt my pace once i've started a race. I would like to practice recovering my breathing after a sprint and into a long haul.
I'm about to rant about life (mine in particular):
As you may know, I recently took a trip home to the sunshine state.
There is something weird about going home..
I haven't been home since my grams passed away. Let's just say that this time I was a little nervous.
You always have this vision in your head of what home is going to be like.. because it's always been that way. It's home.
This time was different. Actually, now that I think about it,
every time I go home is different. When you leave home, you don't really think about life continuing after you're gone. It's weird..I mean, of course you know your friends get jobs or when they're graduating, but you don't well, I'm sorry, I don't*, keep up with who is hanging out with who and doing what and where and blah blah blah…
So when you get there.. it's a little different. You have to learn who everyone is in conversations, and you have to be introduced to people, I don't even know where the hell I am most of the time,… it's not as "homey" as you pictured. But you know, we have to think about ourselves and how much has happened to us in the past year, HOLY COW, of course we don't know everything!
I'm so proud of all of my friends, I can't even put it into words.
I'm always so excited to see where life has brought them since i've seen them last.
I just want to take a second to say that your family isn't always made up of people you share DNA with, this is a lesson i've had to learn the hard way..
I just want to thank all of the people that have been brought into my life and have stayed there.
Thank you for consistently answering the phone when I call (even though you haven't heard from me in months), thank you for supporting me no matter how far away it may take me, thank you for always reminding me of your love, thank you for encouraging me when I probably should have been encouraging you.. and thank you for being proud of me when I say I want to run 365 days in a row, which is sounding more crazy the more days that go by.
You people are my family.
You know who you are….
You're the people who've been brought to my life by some rare circumstance or a marriage, or random elective class, or through another friend we don't know what happened to or whatever,
I just want to thank y'all for making our relationships so loving and encouraging.
I don't know where I would be without you all
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