home is where the beach is

home is where the beach is


I promise to sing to you when all the music dies

You heard my voice I came out of the woods by choice
Shelter also gave their shade
But in the dark I have no name

So leave that click in my head
And I will remember the words that you said
Left a clouded mind and a heavy heart
But I was sure we could see a new start

So when your hope's on fire
But you know your desire
Don't hold a glass over the flame
Don't let your heart grow cold
I will call you by name
I will share your road

But hold me fast, Hold me fast
'Cause I'm a hopeless wanderer
And hold me fast, Hold me fast
'Cause I'm a hopeless wanderer

It's that feeling you get when you're in the middle of a dream,
then you wake up.
you're startled because all of a sudden,
you don't know where you are. 

deep breath.
you wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

I love take off,
I love hearing the engines getting louder and stronger,
when your stomach tells you you're being lifted in the air..

I love the feeling of rising above.
Rising above the storm and chaos from below...

Suddenly just gliding over a sea of clouds. 
it's just Peace.

My dad always told me:
"Don't ever let your heart grow cold." 

When we go through struggles it's hard to remember that.
It's hard to not be angry at yourself, the other person, or the situation we're in. 

Truth is,
we control what we want our mind to think.
And i think, I think this all starts with your heart. 

Look at your heart,
It needs to be a safe place for you.
Your heart is the core of your body,
where your life itself comes from. 

Let's make it beautiful.

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