home is where the beach is

home is where the beach is


what a relief.

Its a feeling that you get when something you've been worried about...goes away. 
Its a weight being lifted off of your shoulders, a burden disappearing. 

Relief is a great feeling.

Have I mentioned that I now have red hair. I mean, I have some RED hair. 
At first, I was shocked. I was shocked and a little afraid.
I'm not the type of person who is insecure about her looks, so...this big change made me a little uncomfortable.

Especially when all people could say when looking at me was: "WOW, your hair!....it's so red.."
But you know, I think its kinda awesome to feel unsure every once in a while. I think its kinda healthy, actually. 

There's another thing besides red hair that i've been feeling unsure about, and...i'm working on it.
Once again, I think it's healthy.

I think it's healthy for a person to wonder and to question the things that they believe the most in. If not, what are you really doing? I don't think thats the way to grow. 

Challenge yourself. Challenge your thoughts and your ideas, push yourself.

Anyway, back to my challenge. 
The next ten months are definitely challenging to me. I feel insecure and...dumb...a lot.
But you know, 
The person that loves me, 
is going through the same exact things I am,
there is no need for me to feel stupid or insecure.

There is no need for me to be afraid of my feelings.

And that for me, is a relief. 

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