home is where the beach is

home is where the beach is


i've got a new way of thinking,
yeah, you bring out the best in me.

Just a few things:

"I believe finding and loving another individual in this vast world is one of the most special things anyone can experience. And once a person does find that significant other, the two essentially become one. If you’re a bird, I’m a bird"-- I read that on someone's blog and loved it. 

Right now, I feel like all of my life's problems can some how be resolved by me having long hair. 
I'd say i'm doing pretty good. 

I believe that the saying "you have to love yourself before anyone else can love you" quote is really true. Those who don't know what they deserve will never accept what they deserve because they can't ask for it. 

Sometimes I feel like when no else believes, 
I still do. <3 

I'm stubborn and wrong but at least I know it. 

allow yourself to be loved. 


rest day

There is nothing like mad batter coffee, I don't care what anyone says. 

The kind of morning that lasts all afternoon.

This is why we do it, this is worth the pain
This is why we bow down and get back up again
This is where the heart lies, this is from above
Love is this, this is love

Love is a peace in the middle of a war.

I will let these memories break our fall.

I'm inching to the finish line
of a life time that's barely started
The piece of mine I left behind
I pray you'll keep in your perfect garden
You're waiting on a minute hand
and the countdown lasts for days
But I can tell you
it won't be long before I'm here to stay

Cause' when I needed a place to hang my heart
you were there to wear it from the start
And with every breath I make
you'll be the only light I see

The weightlessness of lack of rest,
away from you I'm in over my head

Even when it's dark before the dawn
I'll feel your grace and carry on
And with every breath I make
you'll be the only light I see


thankful, accepting, happy

There are some moments in my life that make me feel like I never came back from Italy.

change is good.
change is possible.
change can lead to success.

I've met someone new,
someone who makes me feel good, someone that makes me smile.
She makes me wake up content, she makes me fall asleep content. 
She makes me brave, because... ever since i've met her, i've never felt so strong. 
She makes me different, a lot different, in the ways that make me a 'better' me.
She makes me see the world in different colors.
She makes me happy with the person I am coming to be.
She motivates me to be my best, to be my best for the best.

Her name is Happiness.
And... I've never met any kind of happiness like this one. 

I am beautiful,
the people I have in my life make me feel that way.
Every Day. 

If you feel like something is wrong, something probably is. 
Don't accept it, fix it.
You'll be glad you did. 

I want you to meet my friend, Happiness. 


gummy bears and coffee

Only with true friends do you take shots, drink beer after beer, end up trashed, and then fall asleep on the couch mid-conversation. Only with true friends do you have Friday nights like these and wake up feeling like you had the best night you've had in a long time. The power of conversation is amazing. What ever happened to that?... the whole sitting around talking thing... the whole learning  more about one another thing...

Last week someone interrupted my lunch (thankfully) to have a conversation. I had never seen him before, didn't even know his name. We covered more topics during that twenty minutes than I do in a whole semester of Biology. There were some things he didn't believe in, some things I didn't either, but I feel like just because I know someone Else's opinion on a topic that means a lot to me, I've gained that much more knowledge. Maybe knowledge isn't the word I'm looking for, but it was one of those conversations that made you think twice. It got thoughts stirring in my head...

I feel like people should always give their best--- to everything. 
When a stranger sits to talk with you, be yourself. Give them your best self, your only self. 
When you have to go to work, work your hardest.
Why would you want it any other way?

When you push yourself, or find someone that helps you push yourself, you will be amazed with how you much farther you will go, how much harder you will try, and how much success you will see. 

I ran five miles this morning when it was 14 degrees outside. If you would've asked this Florida girl a year ago to even go out of the house when it was that cold outside sh would've thought you were nuts. Now she's doing it voluntary. Weird. 

I have people that push me,
I have motivation, encouragement, and perseverance. 

Most of all, 
I have love. and a goal.

And those things itself are worth giving everything for.


Your Genesis

I love the feeling of a brand new year. 

I have come to realize that it's not a question of it I want it; I need it.
It can't get away from me.

The feeling of coming back to life,
when you didn't even know you were dead.

The feeling of realizing everything you need to do to be the person you are meant to be.

The feeling of motivation to make new changes. BIG changes.

Sometimes.... all you need is a starting point.
JANUARY 1, 2012 

-Set Goals-
-make challenges for yourself-
-try better, harder, more, at everything you do-
-don't make compromises, especially with yourself-
-start a new routine; develop new good habits-
-bust your ass-

This year is going to be different for me. 
I am going to be different, much different.

For 2012:
- I am starting a new running routine. (registered for 1/2 a marathon in March)
- I am going to write more love letters to my boyfriend.
- I am going to eat better.
- I am going to put more into myself, to get more out of myself.
- I am going to call my family more.
- I am going to work less, study more.
- I am going to do more things for me, learning to be more selfish.
- I am going to do whats best for me, despite everyone else. 

When there was glass and blood on the floor,
we found love in a hopeless place.

Always tell the truth,
despite your fears, it will always set you free.

You've gotta believe in what you've got.
And then... You have to hold on to it. 
No. Matter. What.